SBI Welcomes Nancy Sanford to the Board of Directors
Shoals Business Incubator is excited to announce that Nancy Sanford has joined our Board of Directors. Nancy has had a 40-year career in the Shoals, retiring from the Florence-Lauderdale Public Library as their Executive Director in January 2018. She did not stay in retirement long, when the Executive Director of the Tennessee Valley Art Association retired; Nancy stepped in as the Interim. Now, she hopes to take full advantage of retirement and continue her work promoting the Shoals.
Staying involved and working to grow the community is a passion. Nancy says that her interest in SBI stems from learning about organizations during her work at the Library that were focused on helping local business entrepreneurs. She likes the idea of “thinking about “work” in a different way”.
Working with Giles and his staff, will give her the opportunity to help plan for the future and chart a course for the Shoals. The Board has a diverse presence from the area and Nancy is excited to be part of the Board – and a community voice for the Organization.
Shoals Business Incubator would like to say, “Welcome” to the Board of Directors and we appreciate your willingness to serve!