DASH Studio

Digital Arts Shoals


 DASH is a video production facility in Northwest Alabama whose primary focus is to stimulate creative video expression and encourage the growth of digital arts content creation businesses. Our primary goal is to make the studio very accessible and super friendly to content creators.

“…dedicated fiber makes bandwidth hungry tasks like live-streaming video and uploading 4K videos to Vimeo and YouTube easier to deal with. Whether I’m doing a multi camera, live-switch show in front of the Green Screen, or pushing full resolution dailies for client review, the DASH Studio has what I need.”
— — Jim Torres, 4 Mile Post
“Digital Arts Shoals Studio has given me the ability to create REAL green screen magic. The studio has been a terrific environment to work on STEVE TRASH SCIENCE videos for our team. It’s affordable and designed with lots of room to get stuff done. It has become our ‘go to’ studio. We love it.”
— — Stephen B. Richerson, Concrete Dream Inc.